Blockchain & Cybersecurity Lab @ UniFE

The primary goal of the BCL (Blockchain & Cyber Security Laboratory) research team is the analysis and experimental validation of techniques to prevent from, identify, and counterattack cyber-attacks and cyber threats ingeneral.

The focus is on the application of such techniques in IoT devices and industrial environments. In addition, the CBL research team designs and develops innovative solutions aiming at exploiting the Blockchain technology in industrial environments, not only by exploiting state-of-the-art platforms such as Hyperledger Fabric and Corda, but also by extending traditional solutions to provide innovative features, e.g., to allow the capability of removing old data in Blockchains while ensuring their immutability.


Carlo Giannelli



Mattia Fogli

Ph.D. student

Giacomo Bettini

Research Assistant

Axel Caniatti

Research Assistant

Industrial Collaborations

Former Collaborators