DTCS Lab Main Projects 

Project funded by BI-REX

BI-REX (Big Data Innovation and Research Excellence) is one of the 8 national Competence Centers founded by Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy (ex MISE) within the Industry 4.0 National Plan and our main focus is on Big Data. A public-private consortium, born in 2018, has its headquarter in Bologna (Italy) and gathers in partnership 61 players among Universities, Research Centers and Companies of excellence. BI-REX is the only industry-led Competence Center in Italy. Since 2019, it has issued several calls and funded more than 60 projects, in 8 thematic areas.

Development of a POC based on Digital Twin for cloud-to-edge continuum scenarios in the industrial sector

Scenario: The rise of cloud-to-edge computing in industrial settings has highlighted the need for dynamic, flexible, and secure systems capable of real-time monitoring and optimization. The development of Digital Twin technology presents a key opportunity to create virtual replicas of industrial machines, enhancing operational efficiency and security. However, the integration of cloud-to-edge continuum scenarios introduces challenges in system deployment, migration, and orchestration, particularly when ensuring the security of machines through robust access control mechanisms. This project seeks to address these challenges by developing a Proof of Concept (POC) for Digital Twin technology in industrial environments, utilizing containerization for flexibility and interfacing with Next Generation Firewalls (NGFWs) to implement a Zero Trust Architecture.

Partnership: The project is carried out in collaboration with the Bi-Rex consortium as part of the "Progetto Casa delle tecnologie emergenti COBO, CUP F39I22001840004." Bi-Rex will provide access to its Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) node and datacenter infrastructure, offering essential resources without additional costs. The terms of access and resource allocation will be decided as the project progresses, ensuring seamless collaboration between academic and industrial partners.


Technologies Employed: The project will utilize containerization techniques for the Digital Twin to enable efficient deployment, migration, and orchestration across cloud-to-edge environments. It will also leverage NGFWs integrated with the Digital Twin for dynamic security management, adopting the Zero Trust Architecture approach to limit network traffic based on predefined criteria, ensuring only authorized communication occurs between machines and external nodes.

Expected Results and Impact:

Duration: The project will span a total of 12 months, ensuring sufficient time for development, testing, and evaluation of the POC, with iterative adjustments made based on real-world deployments within the Bi-Rex infrastructure.

Industrial Project

in collaboration with Carpigiani Group

Blockchain for Servitization of Carpigiani Ice Cream Machines

Overview: This project was developed in collaboration with Carpigiani to address trust issues among stakeholders in the servitization model of ice cream machines. Servitization allows businesses to pay for machines based on actual usage, but it requires high levels of trust or third-party oversight to ensure accuracy and reliability in reporting machine usage data.

To solve these challenges, the project integrates Blockchain technology into Carpigiani’s ice cream machines. This allows for secure, non-repudiable storage and management of machine usage statistics, providing a transparent and trustworthy environment for all parties involved, including machine manufacturers, ice cream refill producers, and ice cream makers.

Key Objectives:


Expected Results:

Use Cases:

Project Impact: This project demonstrates how Blockchain can revolutionize trust-based business models in manufacturing, particularly servitization. By ensuring transparent and verifiable machine usage tracking, Carpigiani’s ice cream machines will benefit from greater trust and efficiency among all stakeholders. It sets a new precedent for using Blockchain in industrial IoT environments, enabling enhanced operational transparency and fostering innovation in the manufacturing sector.

Projects funded by Italian Ministry of University and Research - PRIN 2022 PNRR

The PRIN 2022 (Projects of National Relevance) funds are managed by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). These funds aim to support high-value scientific research projects promoted by universities and public research institutions in Italy, with the goal of strengthening the country's innovation and competitiveness. PRIN finances research projects involving groups of researchers from different institutions, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and progress in strategic areas for the nation's scientific, economic, and social development.

DATRUST: Connecting the physical and DigitAl worlds through TRUSTworthy data-flows (2022-24)

Project Overview: DATRUST aims to bridge the gap between physical and digital worlds by creating trustworthy data flows. This is essential in contexts like Industry 4.0 and smart cities where data from physical devices must be accurately and securely transmitted to digital applications. The project will achieve this through Digital Twins (DTs), which represent physical objects digitally and enable intelligent data orchestration.

Key Objectives:

Methodology: The project will focus on designing and implementing the following components:

Expected Results:

Use Cases:

Project Impact: DATRUST will address significant challenges in data trustworthiness for next-generation technologies such as 5G, IoT, and artificial intelligence. It will enable European industries and cities to leverage data for enhanced efficiency and innovation, aligning with EU digital and green transitions.

This project is aligned with the EU Strategic Plan 2021-2024 and aims to create a unified data platform to meet the growing demands of a data-driven society. It also supports the objectives of the Italian Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) in digital transformation and innovation.

Projects funded by Italian Government 

PNRR PE 7 SERICS Cascading funding

The PNRR PE 7 SERICS (Security and Rights in the CyberSpace) Cascading Funding is part of Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) aimed at fostering innovation and development in the field of cybersecurity. This specific funding scheme supports projects and initiatives through a cascading mechanism, meaning that larger organizations or consortia, which initially receive funding, distribute smaller grants to third-party entities like startups, SMEs, or research groups. The goal is to promote cybersecurity research and solutions that enhance the security of digital infrastructures, in alignment with national and European digital transformation strategies.

Z4I - Zero Trust Architecture for the Industry landscape

Scenario: The convergence of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) due to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has created unprecedented opportunities for enhanced efficiency and predictive maintenance. However, it also introduces critical security challenges. Traditional perimeter-based security models no longer suffice, as modern industrial environments now include remote access, cloud integration, and personal device use. The "SEcurity and RIghts In the CyberSpace" (SERICS) project addresses these challenges by exploring the adoption of Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) in industrial settings, eliminating the assumption that devices within enterprise borders are trustworthy. The project will also consider the legal implications of these security threats on worker safety and regulatory compliance.

Partnership: Led by the University of Ferrara, the project is under the guidance of Principal Investigator (PI) Carlo Giannelli and co-Principal Investigator (co-PI) Cinzia Bisi. The research team comprises experts from various departments, including law and engineering, ensuring a multidisciplinary approach. This team will collaborate closely to analyze technological and legal issues associated with implementing ZTA in industrial environments.


Technologies Employed: The project will integrate NGFWs and DTs into the industrial infrastructure to create programmable topologies that limit network traffic to what is necessary. DTs will interface with NGFWs to dynamically configure security rules and ensure secure access to industrial machines. The project will also assess traditional and quantum cryptographic algorithms for use in IIoT environments, considering hardware limitations.

Expected Results and Impact:

Duration: The project is scheduled to run for 15 months, with multiple work packages focusing on ZTA design, cryptographic analysis, and legal compliance, ensuring a well-rounded solution to industrial cybersecurity challenges.

Projects funded by Emilia-Romagna Regional Program

PR FESR 2021-27

The Emilia-Romagna Regional Program PR FESR 2021-20217 directs European resources towards enhancement in economic, social, and territorial cohesion, focusing on smart, green, connected, social, and citizen-centered growth for 2021-2027. Aligned with EU and national strategies, it prioritizes research, innovation, sustainability, mobility, and territorial development, supporting ecological and digital transitions.

C4SI - Cybersecurity for Smart Industry (2023-25)

Scenario: The C4SI Project aims to elevate cybersecurity in production systems and connected machinery within SMEs in Emilia-Romagna. This goal is pursued through targeted training on the new "Regolamento Macchine" of the European Union and the development of innovative solutions for Operational Technology (OT). The project emphasizes the Zero Trust paradigm, authentication methodologies, access control, and monitoring solutions for operator activities.

Partnership: Research Partners include Centro CRIS (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia); CIRI-ICT (University of Bologna); IN4 Hub (University of Ferrara) and CRIT. Industrial Partners: SACMI; IMA and VEM.

Objectives: The C4SI project aims to enhance the cybersecurity of industrial systems, providing SMEs with the tools and training needed to protect their operations against emerging threats.

Technologies Employed: The project employs the Zero Trust paradigm, passwordless authentication, and advanced monitoring tools. These technologies are integrated into prototypes designed for OT, ensuring robust security and simplified operator interactions.

Expected Results and Impact:

Duration: 30 months

Website: c4si-project.eu

CRI4.0 - Cyber Range for Industrial Security (2023-25)

Scenario: The increasing need for skills to detect and address cybersecurity threats requires highly qualified experts who undergo constant training on attack scenarios as close to reality as possible. A Cyber Range is a specific application of the digital twin concept, designed to fully replicate a physical object/system in a virtual system. The versatility of the Cyber Range lies in its ability to design and deploy fully customizable operational scenarios based on training objectives.

Partnership: The CRI4.0 project is led by Prof. Carlo Giannelli and spearheaded by CONSORZIO T3 LAB. Key partners include IN4 Hub (University of Ferrara), CRIS (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia), CLUSTER INS (Innovation in Services), and Laboratorio CIRI-ICT (University of Bologna). 

Objectives: The primary objective of the CRI4.0 project is to create a Cyber Range dedicated to the industrial manufacturing sector. This Cyber Range will serve as an interdisciplinary laboratory for testing industrial plant security and training current and future specialists. The project aims to provide a pilot implementation of a Cyber Range deployed in a virtual (cloud) environment, along with the necessary software tools to deploy it on the private infrastructure of users, such as the involved companies.

Technologies Employed: The CRI4.0 project employs advanced virtualization and cloud technologies to create a comprehensive Cyber Range. This includes the development of software tools and methodologies that enable easy deployment and use by industrial companies, ensuring a flexible and robust training and testing environment.

Expected Results and Impact:

Duration: 30 months

Website: cri40.it/

IGNITE 5.0 - IntelliGent and secure Networking in IndusTrial Environments: towards Industry 5.0 (2023-25)

Scenario: The IGNITE 5.0 project aims to enhance network connectivity management within manufacturing production lines, paving the way for Industry 5.0. By leveraging advanced technologies, the project seeks to create intelligent and secure networking solutions for industrial environments.

Partnership: The project involves several key partners: AIRI, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, the University of Ferrara, and Romagna Tech S.C.p.A. These institutions bring expertise in network architecture, system performance testing, software management, and industrial applications. Industry partners include Bonfiglioli S.p.a., STOORM 5 S.r.l., and VEM Sistemi S.p.a., which contribute practical insights and real-world use cases.

Objectives: The primary objective of IGNITE 5.0 is to improve the connectivity management of network components within manufacturing production lines. This will be achieved through the introduction of the Asset Administration Shell (AAS), a software component providing specific management services for each production line element.

Technologies Employed: The project employs cutting-edge technologies such as the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) to offer specialized network management services. These services interact with Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) networks, enabling seamless management and control of industrial connectivity.

Expected Results and Impact: The project is expected to deliver a prototype management platform and AAS through a testbed that replicates industrial environments. This platform will facilitate remote control and management of connectivity, significantly advancing data collection, system interaction, and cybersecurity. The impact on companies in the Emilia-Romagna region will be substantial, with improved operational efficiency, enhanced digital twins, and fortified cybersecurity measures.

Duration: 30 months

Website: ignite5-project.eu